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A Letter from the Rabbi:

Shalom, friend!

I'm Jeffrey Adler, Rabbi of the Messianic Jewish Congregation, Shaarey Yeshua. In Yeshua, generally known as Jesus, we have found the Messiah our G-d promised to reconcile us to Himself, and restore us to the relationship He had with our forefathers like Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We are, after all, called to be a "Kingdom of priests and a holy nation to the L-rd" .
(Exodus 19:6)

I invite you to browse this website to examine the community life we seek to offer here, one designed to help build a freshened relationship with the L-rd and with each other.
Check back often we will continue to update our web site often, offering many new pages .

I hope we can be of service to YOU!
Please, browse away!
Jeffrey Adler

What We Believe
What We Believe Video

The Path To Shalom
The Path To Shalom Video

Services Friday @ 7:30pm - Temporarily On Facebook
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